The next generation of human insights.

Powered by AI and behavioral science.

We blend AI, psychology and human expertise to help predict, plan, and solve worthwhile societal challenges.

We call it Beneficial Intelligence.

Artificial intelligence

+ Human intelligence

= Beneficial intelligence


Audience Analysis

Which narratives will resonate with whom?

Who do you need to communicate with to achieve your strategic objectives, and what narratives will resonate?

To truly understand people’s thoughts or actions, understanding their current mindset and behaviors, along with the underlying reasons, is crucial. This underscores the importance of audience research as the cornerstone of any successful strategy. We meticulously deconstruct our audience(s), enabling us to engage with them more effectively by catering to their specific emotions, needs, beliefs, and behaviors.


Risk Intelligence

How to buffer yourself against crisis and real-world risks?

What are the risks and crises that you face? How do you buffer yourself against them? We specialize in crafting tailored crisis and risk responses through comprehensive measurement and understanding of the current situation and its underlying causes. Whether you're in the midst of a crisis, seeking proactive prevention measures, or conducting threat assessments in risky contexts, our approach facilitates swift and precise detection and management of reputational threats. This ensures a proactive and effective safeguarding of your reputation.


Resonance Testing

Your context is agile. How about your narrative?

Is the messaging we're creating, or planning to create, going to have the impact we want it to? How do we make it better? Message testing allows us to meticulously analyze every aspect of your campaign, determining the elements that evoke the strongest emotional connection. Using our data-driven approach, we pinpoint the most compelling themes, emotions, and value propositions, ensuring your message resonates authentically and empathetically. Through iterative testing of diverse creative assets, whether videos, text, or images, we refine until achieving the precise response desired from your target audience.

Every societal challenge is a human challenge.

We analyse individual or group behaviour, preferences, traits, values or other psychological attributes carefully and uncover patterns and trends, which enables us predict how people will behave in a broad range of risk and crisis scenarios.

No algorithm could ever put together the Boon team.

We are a team of behavioral scientists, neuroscientists, and data scientists dedicated to merging behavioral science with artificial intelligence to answer complex questions about human behavior that address the world’s most pressing challenges.

Anjuli Bedi

CEO and Founder

We are seeking ambitious individuals who want to harness AI and behavioural science to drive positive social impact.

Open roles

  • Tech • London • Hybrid

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  • Tech • Multiple locations • Hybrid

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  • Tech • Copenhagen, The Hague • Hybrid

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Don’t settle for uncertainty.